Dr Dre loses his trademark name against a gynaecologist named Dr Drai

Hip-hop celebrity Dr Dre has dropped a long-running trademark dispute against a gynaecologist with an identical name.

The situation was initially lodged in 2015, when Pennsylvania-based gynaecologist Draion M Burch attempted to trademark the title Dr Drai.

Dr Dre cried, stating the similarity could lead to “confusion”, mainly because his near-namesake wished to sell music seminars and books under the moniker.

However, the US trademark office has surfaced and dismissed Dr Dre’s case.

In a ruling made last week, ” it stated that, although the 2 titles were comparable, Dr Dre had failed to demonstrate that individuals would be duped into purchasing by Dr Drai’s goods.

Given the physician’s average fee for a speaking engagement is5,000 (#3,700), the customer will be inclined to work out a “higher level of maintenance” than somebody making a casual purchase, ” it stated.
‘Dr Dre Isn’t a medical physician’

Mr Burch had contended that consumers would be unlikely to confuse the two titles “cause Dr Dre isn’t a medical doctor nor is he capable of offering any kind of healthcare services or selling goods especially from the medical or healthcare sector”.

He insisted that he didn’t seek to exchange on Dr Dre’s standing cause the institution would be “a terrible reflection on me as a physician” – mentioning lyrics that he characterised as misogynistic and homophobic.

The gynaecologist is that the author of novels such as 20 Things You Might Not Know About A Vagina and explains himself as one of America’s greatest health specialists.

Dr Dre can now be observed at the Netflix documentary The Defiant Ones, which reflects his rise from the streets of Compton into the multi-millionaire executive accountable for Beats 1.